Frequent asked questions
Have any Question Just Contact UsWhat happens when you sign up for a SailCoach coaching package?
You become part of a Multi National Group focused on improving their Laser racing skills. The group will consist of a maximum of six sailors so that your contact time with the coach is optimised. The Coaching Tours are designed to enable sailors to develop both practical subject-specific and broader campaigning skills.
As the tour develops, sailors are expected to take more responsibility for their own learning. On arrival, your coach will speak to you about the programme and local venue information.
How does the training before the event operate?
Usually we will try to have a minimum of three hours a day on the water. The sessions are carefully structured so that time-spent sailing is quality time. Your coach will work with the group to set goals for each training session. When not on the water physical training sessions will be arranged so that fitness levels can be maintained or improved. From our experience, it is generally possible to arrange group discounts with local gyms. SailCoach also uses video extensively so it will be possible for you to have your technique analysed closely by our expert coaches. Using the collective video de-briefs is one of the quickest way for you to learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others.
Who will be coaching us?
SailCoach’s views the coach as an essential ingredient in any sailor’s strategy to improve their performance and therefore we only use coaches of the highest standards. The coach will have a vast experience in the Laser class and will be familiar with all the issues surrounding a European Campaign. The coach will assist you if needed with guidance in setting your targets the achieving your goals. The price is inclusive of the coach’s expenses so there are no hidden extras to pay with the exception of your daily subsistence, you should allow for between €12 to €15 per day for this.
What happens during the event?
Prior to the event starting, the coach will hold a pre event briefing. The coach will inform you of any relevant local information and give you guidelines of what to expect in the regatta. During the event the coach will be on the water with you, offering advice before and after the race. Each evening the coach will try to hold an informal briefing on the days racing and discuss areas for improvement. Typically, this would take place over dinner in the apartments.
How do I get from the airport?
If you arrive on the tour arrival day, airport collection is not a problem. You will be given a mobile telephone number to ring in case there are any problems or delays (numbers are on the SailCoach web site). Don’t worry if you can’t make it on the arrival day, we will be able to make alternative arrangements assuming at airport collection does not clash with the Tour training programme. The best time for alternative airport collection is usually first thing in the morning or in the evening.
Where will I be staying?
SailCoach looks after this side of things, so no need to worry. We will be staying in spacious self-catering accommodation where possible. In some venues self-catering is not possible, in which case we usually try and arrange a discount rate with a local restaurant. Please note your tour fee does not include food expenses!!!
Meal times are usually good fun and give everybody an opportunity to get to know one another. Start practising your cooking as soon as you sign up, or be prepared to do a lot of washing up! We try to give everyone a bit of space by taking large apartments wherever we can, in order to give you as few external pressures as possible when you are racing.
What equipment do I need to bring?
SailCoach will supply you with a boat that is guaranteed to be less than 16 months old. You will need to bring your sails, foils, tiller and string with you. The cost of the boat charter is calculated so that you only pay for the boat when you are using it and not when it is sitting on the trailer for a few days travelling and resting.
Please see below our Laser Charter pro forma:
The SailCoach charter boats are supplied with the following equipment provided
- Ice blue Laser hull with bailer fitted
- Racing padded toe strap, shockcord and toe strap line.
- Foils/Blades (centreboard and rubber)
- Laser Charter pro forma
- Spars, lower and top mast, boom complete with all fittings attached
- XD deck base fittings with cleats, but without blocks
- Launching trolley
You may not make any alterations to any part of the boat, its equipment, spars or fittings, even if subsequently replaced, without approval from SailCoach.
Equipment not provided (you need to supply the following)
- Sails
- Tiller and tiller extension
- Mainsheet block with spring
- All control lines with all control line blocks
- Traveller blocks
- Boom vang
- Wind indicator
- Compass
Please remember all the small blocks for the control systems, as we cannot supply these. Masts are available in the charter price however as you can appreciate it’s very difficult to keep them in good racing order and if you are particular about you mast we suggest you bring your own.
Do I need to enter?
Yes, you will need to enter and pay the entry fees for all the regattas you do with SailCoach. These regattas all have web sites where you can get more information, the SailCoach site offers links to these regatta sites. The package price does not include entry fees.
What about Boat Insurance?
Please note our charter Lasers does not come with insurance and we recommend that you transfer your own cover for the regatta. If you cannot do this we recommend a German company (VDWS Service GmbH) which has come onto the scene offering third party insurance. This insurance package meets the ILCA requirements. The cost of the third party insurance is around €39 and it lasts for a year, so you can use it for more than one regatta. I have given you their contact details below.
Please see below:
VDWS Service GmbH
Tel. +49 (0)881 9311-0
email: [email protected],
Web Site: